It was only a matter of time until Quorthon’s name was added to this not-so-golden hall of Heroes of Norse Proliferation, and that time has finally come. I unfairly prolonged that time with my uncanny ability to slack off at updating this obscure blog, but despite my best efforts to be ineffective and lazy, I can’t fight fate forever, and neither could the All Father of Viking Metal for that matter. He’s dead, and here I am, no longer going on a full-out berserker-level rampage of neglect and laziness at promoting his glory, which he doesn’t really need anyway, at least not among metalheads.

I hope most of you who have somehow managed to find this website know who he is. If you don’t, then suffice it to see he basically invented the Viking Metal musical subgenre that most people don’t realize even exists, and this was after he also pretty much founded Black Metal, which likewise reigns in obscurity. Check out this epic webpage for more on his biography, discography, etc. It is fully glorious in its 1990’s era web aesthetics, but pretty authoritative in its own a way.

Additionally, a grand edition to the English language was made last year when a translation of the book, Blod Eld Död: En Svensk Metalhistoria by Ika Johannesson and Jon Jefferson, was finally released by Feral House Publishing. This is a great book that delves into the history of metal in Sweden in a general sense, but features a special focus on Quorthon; the book is Swedish for “Blood, Fire, Death,” and thus named after one of his pivotal albums. And as a special bonus for all the Viking metalheads out there, Månegarm are also given special attention.
But this sorry posting is about Bathory and Quorthon, and so on that note:
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