
För er som är svenska eller kan svenska/norska/danska: denna är INTE nån politisk eller rasist webbsida. Den handlar bara om vikingar och en sorts deprimerad humör. Jag hoppas att ni kan hitta något att skratta åt!

Hail! And welcome to Scandinavian Aggression, a mediocre blog about vikings past and present. Please check out the variety of enlightening materials available here which include information about my own books, my magazine articles about Scandinavian history, and my contributions to various humor websites. There’s also a number of blog posts on this site dedicated to some of the more esoteric elements thematically related to the whole “viking thing” (for example, my numerous posts about the overlooked history of Östergötland a.k.a. Eastern Geatland, which is a personal favorite and perennially recurring topic here).

Lastly, below you may find a number of links to other realms where I’ve made appearances one way or another.

I skål to your health,

—Rowdy Geirsson

Interviews, reviews, and other appearances:

10.31.24: I had the honor and pleasure to chat with Siobhán Clark on the Myth Legend & Lore podcast about The Impudent Edda. The episode was released on Halloween because there’s nothing as scary as when Odin gets his hands on a smartphone.

4.13.24: I had the pleasure of being interviewed by fellow indie author Bjørn Larssen at Before We Go Blog.

11.28.23: An excerpt from The Impudent Edda about Odin’s corpse-shredding, world-creating frenzy was published at McSweeney’s. Check it out here: “Middle-Earth is Just an Eyelash on the Celestial Gallows Pole.”

11.21.23: A tragic, lost tale from The Impudent Edda, “Thor and Loki Go Christmas Shopping,” was unveiled at Spells and Spaceships as part of the month-long #Norsevember fest.

11.13.23: The Impudent Edda was reviewed at Queen’s Book Asylum.

11.8.23: I was interviewed by the venerable Jackson Crawford on October 26th. The interview was subsequently posted on his YouTube channel: Fun with the Eddas.

10.9.23: The Impudent Edda was featured alongside the mighty Terry Pratchett’s new book in Financial Times‘ periodic “best new sci-fi” round up. Check it out here (if you can get behind the paywall): The best new sci-fi: Pratchett and Marvel’s Avengers get the redux treatment.

10.5.23: The Impudent Edda was reviewed at FanFiAddict.

6.11.22: A book launch event for The Scandinavian Aggressors was hosted at the Scandinavian Cultural Center in Newton, MA that included a public reading of a chapter.