During the middle of the month, this site was sacked, pillaged, and put to the sword. My poor little Viking-toy-avatar-thing was passed around like an unfortunate Irish woman during the great Norwegian conquest of what was to become Dublin. But as the great story says, that which was the end […]
Glory in a Bottle
The Norsky brewers up at HaandBryggeriet are clearly modern day recipients of Odin’s wisdom and have held a cherished spot on my Viking Barley Brew list ever since I first compiled it. But they wanted to outdo themselves and so they started to age some of their brew in aquavit […]
Viking Classic Rock Parody
This one was brought to my attention by the good mead-brewing Stenhugger from Illinois. Apparently part of a television series in the UK called Horrible Histories, it’s called Literally: The Viking Song and is an amusing take on the Viking raids on England delivered in the form of music video.
Happy Up Helly Aa!
On the last Tuesday of every January, the honorable jarls up in Shetland celebrate the end of the yule season by setting everything on fire. It’s called Up Helly Aa and not only is it a glorious homage to Viking glory, but it’s also the biggest fire festival in Europe. […]
Viking Tower in Newport, Rhode Island
New update to the Boston-area Viking Monument page. This one just happens to be an old stone tower. Back in the day folks thought Vikings erected it. Vikings definitely erected a very many things, especially when they got a little too excited with the pillaging and there happened to be […]
Barley Wine Fit for Valhalla
Thereupon stood the enemy host. It was a fine day with blue sky overhead. Then the two forces joined in battle and fought fiercely, nor was there need to goad them on. Much shouting followed, and a furious blowing of trumpets. As dawn approached, Andhrimnir Barley Wine Ale said: “It […]
Viking Booze Burial Mound
Hail and skål! A substantial update to the Viking Brews and Booze directory has been made, and just in time for Friday night and Midsommar, no less. Besides the two new sub-directories of Fruity Booze (wines and ciders) and the Viking Booze Burial Mound (which celebrates the Einherjar of Viking […]
Hammer of the North
Bang your head to the sound of the Hammer of the North with Grand Magus! These Stockholm guys have a traditional type of metal sound, so that should comfort those of you who are batty and don’t much care for the death metal growl (you know who you are!). Their […]
Hollywood Sucks the Balls of Unoriginality
I’ve been thinking this for a while now and finally got irate enough to sit myself down and vent, because Hollywood really sucks hard. Hard like the sharply inhaling gusts of Njord hard. Not that this is really anything new, but it seems to me that the powers-that-be in Hollywood […]
Irish Glory
Normally I don’t condone Viking defeats, but I’m always willing to make an exception when it involves beer, especially when it involves Irish beer during this particular time of year! Legbiter Ale is brewed by Strangford Lough Brewing Company and is dedicated to King Magnus Barefoot of Norway, who sailed […]
Norwegian Scientists Find That Monkeys Are Precisely 3 Times Better Than Leprechauns
Those Norwegians are at it again! Norwegian Scientists Find That Monkeys Are Precisely 3 Times Better than Leprechauns This time hails and skåls go out to Cavalier Literary Couture. And yes “couture” may just be one of the least-Viking words out there, but we won’t hold that against them. Their […]
Dress Up Like a Viking and Eat Candy Day
Leaves’ Eyes provide a good example of how to do the dressing up part: Maybe if I stop being totally worthless I’ll post something that isn’t a music video next time.
All aboard the Dundertåg
Radio-friendly 80’s style hardish rock from Stockholm with Swedish lyrics.Vad fint! www.dundertåget.se
Welcome to the Mead Hall
Welcome to the Mead Hall is a glorified/self-deprecating account of the first time I ever met Trond Troll-Breath Trondsen. It was originally published online by Word Riot in September of 2009, but that site seems to have unfortunately taken the long walk down its own Helvegen sometime in the past […]
Beowulf Orated…
Benjamin Bagby is one unusual dude. He goes around orating Beowulf in its original Old English with the help of a reconstructed Anglo-Saxon harp. His performance at the Dunkers Kulturhus in Helsingborg, Sweden was recorded a couple years ago and parts of it can be viewed on youtube. This unfortunately […]