Lo! And behold.
The Long Ships Have Come
The Volvo Ocean Race has arrived in Boston. It’s not exactly a Viking invasion, but pretty cool nonetheless, especially since Viking invasions don’t happen anymore.
Välkomna till det nya Scandinavian Aggression!
Javisst, Scandinavian Aggression just tripped on itself and got savagely trampled by the ensuing WordPress stampede. That said, special skåls go out to “Orla” Jackie Sewell and Nephilim’s Max Whelihan for giving it a test sail. To commemorate the event, here’s something uplifting for all of you who somehow managed […]
Happy winter solstice…behold the Snow Viking!
Behold the Snow Viking! He is pudgy and sort of blurry
SkullSplitter beer!
Holy crap, it’s Viking beer! I am so excited! And really glad that I decided to stop at the liquor store on the way home today. Brewed by the master Viking brewers of Orkney, SkullSplitter features Thorfinn Hausakluif on its label, which potentially makes it the most badass beer of […]