Behold the Dalen Hotel: Wow, right? Or maybe just eh, depending on your mood and how much you like buildings that imitate medieval Scandinavian stave churches like the one at Borgund, which is probably the most famous of them. But you can’t sleep overnight in a stave church, and that […]
Irish Glory
Normally I don’t condone Viking defeats, but I’m always willing to make an exception when it involves beer, especially when it involves Irish beer during this particular time of year! Legbiter Ale is brewed by Strangford Lough Brewing Company and is dedicated to King Magnus Barefoot of Norway, who sailed […]
Norwegian Scientists Find That Monkeys Are Precisely 3 Times Better Than Leprechauns
Those Norwegians are at it again! Norwegian Scientists Find That Monkeys Are Precisely 3 Times Better than Leprechauns This time hails and skåls go out to Cavalier Literary Couture. And yes “couture” may just be one of the least-Viking words out there, but we won’t hold that against them. Their […]
The Voyage of the Short Serpent
Rather than epic and badass, I would describe The Voyage of the Short Serpent by twisted Frenchman, Bernard du Boucheron, as short and quirky. It’s a funky little story about an Icelandic mission sent to Greenland during its final days of Norse inhabitation. Lots of gruesome ongoings take place in […]
Celebrate the Solstice with John Bauer
“Holy shit, Tyr just stuck his hand in the wolf’s mouth!…Sweet.” That, I think, is the effect John Bauer was going for in this piece. He was really good at this sort of thing, and it’s unfortunate that he’s dead. But then that’s just one of the natural side effects […]
Dress Up Like a Viking and Eat Candy Day
Leaves’ Eyes provide a good example of how to do the dressing up part: Maybe if I stop being totally worthless I’ll post something that isn’t a music video next time.
All aboard the Dundertåg
Radio-friendly 80’s style hardish rock from Stockholm with Swedish lyrics.Vad fint! www.dundertå
Welcome to the Mead Hall
Welcome to the Mead Hall is a glorified/self-deprecating account of the first time I ever met Trond Troll-Breath Trondsen. It was originally published online by Word Riot in September of 2009, but that site seems to have unfortunately taken the long walk down its own Helvegen sometime in the past […]
Beowulf Orated…
Benjamin Bagby is one unusual dude. He goes around orating Beowulf in its original Old English with the help of a reconstructed Anglo-Saxon harp. His performance at the Dunkers Kulturhus in Helsingborg, Sweden was recorded a couple years ago and parts of it can be viewed on youtube. This unfortunately […]
Epic Faroese Postal Art
The Faroese Philatelic Office has released a number of beautiful stamps depicting scenes from Norse mythology, among other things relating to Faroese life. If you wish to see these works of beauty, click here . And here is Anker Eli Petersen’s homepage where you can find more images/info (he’s the […]
Orkanpartyt (The Hurricane Party) is the title of Klas Östergren’s contribution to the Myth Series of novels, and it’s awesome. It’s a retelling of Loki’s final act of betrayal, but set in a hellish, future Stockholm (or at least what I presume to be Stockholm, based on the descriptions in […]
Behold the Garbage Troll!
The Garbage Troll is fearsome and smelly and courtesy of Matt Smith, a fellow Masshole who dabbles online with the Norse arts:
Men Who Hate Women
I was out prowling the streets of Boston and noticed advertisements for Stieg Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo plastered all over the MBTA’s busses because it has just been released in paperback. I always thought it was somewhat pathetic that the English language publishers refused to release this […]
Crapping My Pants
A dude just posted info about the American VikingBall League on my facebook page. Someone actually finally literally combined hockey with Vikings. Can only be found in Pittsburgh so far. They apparently play on fields and courts there instead of ice, but I think this concept would adapt well to […]
Viking Swords Discovered in Worcester, Mass!
At the Higgins Armory Museum, förstås! (That’s Swedish for “of course.”) The Higgins is said to be “the only museum in the Western Hemisphere solely dedicated to the collection of arms, armor and art.”